Molly and I have an exceptional relationship, even tho we’re often separated by the bars of a fence. Malina I met when she’d just arrived from Greece. The language barrier made her reticent, but I thot she was absolutely worth me being patient. Now, she greets me with cautious pleasure, although a bit over protective of Dad when she’s with him. I loved Josie from the moment I met her, and Josie can be counted on to greet me with unbridled enthusiasm.
Everywhere I go, I’m Stalking.
I have met the greatest dogs all over North America, Costa Rica, Italy and Switzerland.
The thing about meeting dogs is the Owner Factor. I have to pay the dog owners a bit of attention. This has resulted in many an interesting conversation and revelations: In California, two Dobermans (dobermen?) sat like sphinxes beside a fabulously muscled man. ‘I have five of them. Their master was murdered. I took ‘em all.’ In Maui, dogs Bonnie and Clyde, in the back of a pick-up truck, led to a friendship that’s lasted over miles and over years.
My neighbours with dogs know I will barely acknowledge them, going directly for their dog. Casey and Nate and Evie and Hero and Murphy and Luna. For a while there was also Aspen and Yoda, but they’re now in doggie heaven. Not all owners are as enthusiastic about me as I am about them: I am certain Millie’s owners, when the see me, change their route.
I decided, with my daughter’s encouragement, to take pictures – selfies – and post them on instagram. Oh what fun that is: I’ve met Chicklet and several Lunas of varying sizes. There’s Maverick and Goose (Top Gun doggies) : Agnes the Pooch (name for an Auntie Mame character, Agnes Gooch) There’s Doobie and April and Larry. I met Edit and her sister Render – parents are video producers. Alas, I have found that not all dogs want a selfie and make very clear: ‘No pictures please.’ Nonetheless I persist. The result: often laughable.
And people react. When I saw Josie – who pees with happiness when she sees me – I remembered I needed her in a selfie. Josie’s mom wanted to see my insta and loved it. Getting fish for dinner, I wore my shirt that has dogs replacing the Beatles on their famous walk across a London street. “I like your shirt” said fish-man. I told him of my insta. He asked me to call it up: ‘I love this. I’ll follow you if you follow my fish insta.’
We each have our obsessions. Goood doggies.